Tag: ivanka trump

hashtag, Sphere of Influence

Tweets about Jeff Sessions

Tweets about Jeff Sessions

Tweets about Jeff Sessions, U.S. Attorney General This one is by @realDonaldTrump about his A.G. Jeff Sessions: Below are the tweets about Jeff Sessions published on Twitter. Specific tweets about Jeff Sessions based on top 10 “Jeff Sessions” Google search terms Here are the top 10 searches per month (as of Oct 2017) on Google …

hashtag, Twitter Handle

Tweets about Ivanka Trump

Tweets about Ivanka trump

Tweets about Ivanka Trump Below are the tweets written by Ivanka Trump published on Twitter. Below are the tweets written by Donald Trump mentioning his daughter Ivanka Trump in the last 7 days. Specific tweets about Ivanka Trump based on top 10 “Ivanka Trump” Google search terms Here are the top 10 searches per month …