Stephen Paddock Below are the tweets about Stephen Paddock on Twitter. He is the shooter who allegedly killed 50 people, then himself, in Las Vegas at a country festival outside the Mandalay Bay resort.
Category: hashtag
Trump and #PrayforVegas
Trump and #PrayforVegas tweets on Twitter Tweets related to President Trump and the hashtag #Vegas or #PrayforVegas – reaction to the mass shooting at Mandalay Bay in the early hours of Oct 2 2017.
#TakeAKnee hashtag – Trending tweets with this hashtag as tracked by the website
#covfefe hashtag – Trending tweets with this hashtag as tracked by the website
Why did #dotard trend on Twitter After President Trump threatened North Korea and its leader Kim Jong Un woth fire and fury,Kim Jong responded, “I will surely and definitely tame the mentally deranged U.S. dotard with fire,” in an unusually direct and angry statement published by North Korea’s official Korean Central News Agency. Definition of dotard do·tard …
Track the trending hashtag #WhyWeMustImpeachTrumpin7Words from Twitter as tracked by
#covfefe hashtag – Trending tweets with this hashtag as tracked by the website
Definition of Impeach: im·peach /imˈpēCH/ charge (the holder of a public office) with misconduct. Tweets that contain the hashtag #ImpeachDonaldTrump” and “#ImpeachTrump”